There are lots of styles of dating in Japan, so I will introduce the first dating of Japanese couples. Usually, going to the movie in the first dating is most popular style, and from young people like middle school couples to senior people like middle age couples, almost all couples like to go to the movie. This is because movie theatres have nice atmosphere and they do not need to speak anything when they are watching the movies. After watching movies, they can chat about the movie they watched, with having coffee. Therefore, they have to be careful when they choose which movies they are gonna watch.
The first dating of Korean couples is almost same as Japanese one, but there are some differences from Japanese dating style. Especially, guys' behaviors toward their girl friends' are more friendly than Japanese one. guys always carry their girl friends' bags when they are dating. This fact makes Japanese people surprised, but in Korea we can see lots of guys who are having two bags. Moreover, after dating guys always see their girlfriends off to their house even if their houses are far from guys' houses.
4 件のコメント:
Do many Japanese college students
decide not to date in order to focus on school?
Is it strange for someone not to date?
私の彼氏はいつも私のpurseを持ってあげるんです-I made him carry my purse when we first started dating。アメリカ人はとても変なことだと思うんですが、 韓国では普通ですね。
My boyfriend holds my purse when I try to put on a coat or something like that but I never make him carry them around!! It just seem so gay;;
But he opens doors for me and carries other heavy things for me.
I think coffee shops are more for studying and waking up than dating for students here. All the coffee shops around campus are packed with students studying or working on a group project. Of course there are people socializing but they are mostly friends.
제 블로그에 올려주신 코멘트 reply! 귀찮아서 한국말로…
음… 비즈니스에도 관심이 많지만 전공이 수학이라서 그쪽에 중심을 더 두고 있어요. 비즈니스랑 일본어는 부전공으로 하고 있는 거에요. 만약 시간이 있다면 비즈니스도 전공을 하고 싶지만 4년 안에 졸업하기에는 좀 (많이) 무리일 듯 하네요. 지금까지는 회계 쪽에 관심이 있지만 잘 모르겠어요. 이번 여름에 더 강의를 들어보고 시간이 있다면 관심 있는 분야를 더 듣고 싶어요. 부모님을 좀 더 꼬셔본 다음에 1년 더 다닐까 생각 중이긴 한데 학비가 장난이 아니에요..ㅠ.ㅠ 한 학기에 만 오천 달러 정도라서 좀 부모님한테 미안하기도 하고요;; 그냥 마스터까지 같이 해버릴까… 생각도 있지만 대학원은 다른 주로 가고 싶기도 하고.. 고민이네요.
미국을 생각하고 계신다면 여기서 공부하고 싶은 마음은 없으세요?
추신: 제 블로그 오셔서 강아지 보고 가세요>.< 너무 귀여워서 보고 있으면 혼자 실실 웃게 된다는;; 애완동물 좋아하세요?