

In these days, there are many Japanese young men who want to be cute and beautiful. Like book says, `boys are moving away from “macho” personal styles to the use of cosmetics, facials, the shaving of body hair, and the frequenting of esute salons`. I want to interpret this kind of phenomenon as the view of gender. Traditionally, Japanese house was patricentric system. So, Japanese people thought that men have to do their role as men. It means that family have to follow father`s decision. Men had to be strong, and their image was always authoritative. But in these days, Japanese men and women`s position are almost the same. Men don`t need to be strong, and also women don`t like authoritative guys. Men become to care about their fashion style, and their beauty like women do. Women want to make their boyfriend cute. And it is the same thing with that men want pretty girl. And like book says, there are some men who become feminized. I think it is not that men become feminized, but men and women become equal as the view of gender.

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